Going from a Secret Life into the Secret Place


It is very common to hear of people who live secret lives and suffer the consequences of it. However, we do not always hear about those whose lives are impacted by the time they spend in the secret place. Many of the Bible giants spoke of the importance of the secret place and as a result of their time in the secret place, we know and admire them today.

Your Private Life

Daniel, one of the great prophets of the Old Testament, was a man of prayer, fasting, and spending time away with God. His private life is what empowered him when he was taken into captivity and it is what kept him and informed him. He spent his time in Babylonian captivity set apart from what everyone else was doing and it was evident by all he did in the name of the Lord while there.

In the sermon series “Parallels,” V1 Church Indiana campus Pastor Chase Fleeman talked about private life vs. public life. He studied Daniel whose life was a living example of a private life that spilled over into every aspect of his public life. Daniel never once took on the identity of Babylon, he was even given the Babylonian name Belteshazzar and all throughout scripture he continued to identify as Daniel, his Hebrew name.

Daniel 10 has a vision of a great war or battle that causes him to mourn for weeks. When an angel came to visit him to explain the vision, he goes on to confirm what God himself thinks about Daniel's private dedication to God. The angel reassures Daniel that God values him.

“Daniel, you who are highly esteemed”
—Daniel 10:10

The world around us can not give us our identity only God can. Had Daniel’s private devotion not been so frequent, his prayers may not have been responded to so divinely and specifically. The angel's response also affirmed Daniel and his standing with God. Like the prophet, followers of Christ are to remain informed by God about their identity. Frequently however the world around us is so loud that we listen to those voices about who we are rather than our Creator.

What is the Secret Place?

The term secret place comes from scripture where the phrase appears several times and comes from the Hebrew root word cether, which means “to hide or be concealed.”

Psalm 91:1 shares a good example of the word in its biblical meaning. “He that dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.”

Spending time in the secret place is devoted time set aside, disconnected from everyone and everything where one can meet with God. You can pray, worship, listen for God’s response, meditate on scripture etc. In that secret place, where we get alone with God and seek Him, He will call us into our true identity.

Walking in our true identity will cause us to stand upright and not buckle when the world's pressures intensify.

Time in the secret place will encourage believers to set their lives on the word of God and to be rooted in prayer. It will transform the believer from being people who have to hide their sick private lives, to being hidden in Christ who transforms and sets the captives free. Pastor Chase says revivals begin in the private place with God.

The Christian's public life should flow from your private place. Daniel could read notes sent divinely from God, he prophesied – Could see into the future all the way until the end of time, and not even the lions could harm him. His life was anointed by God and it came from his time in the secret place.

In the secret place is where wars in the heavenlies are overcome in God. Daniel began to pray and fast and it took 21 days to break through all the demonic opposition in the atmosphere. He didn't see the answered prayers on day one. There is an anointing that breaks chains / pulls down strongholds in the secret place.

Others Will Be Impacted by Your Private Time

While mentoring Timothy, the Apostle Paul shared the importance of one's devotion to the things of God (1 Timothy 4:12–16).

As a result of the things done in your private life, others should come to Jesus. There are people’s salvation on the other side of our private time with God. Christians whose families are also believers should encourage time in the secret place. Spouses, make time for your loved ones to get into the secret place too. Your relationships will benefit from the place of prayer, the place of intimacy with the Father.

It is time to stop hiding a private sinful life and allow for your public life to be a reflection of your private time with God.



About the Author

Jeannie Ortega Law is a chart-topping singer, evangelist, media personality and author from New York City.  She can be reached on social media: @JeannieOrtega or emailed at Info@JeannieO.com


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